UV-Vis-IR Spectroscopy Laboratories

The FT-IR spectrophotometer Nicolet Nexus 470 E.S.P.TM, equipped with Continuµm microscope, enables to acquire IR spectra in transmittance, reflectance and ATR on extremely small areas of a sample under investigation. The use of the microscope makes it possible to collect IR data from 10 µm x 10 µm spots. In addition, micro-pellet die as well as Total Reflectance and Diffuse Reflectance accessories are available for the Nexus 470 spectrophotometer.
Three UV-Vis-NIR Perkin-Elmer double-beam and double-monochromator spectrophotometers are present at the SABeC laboratory. They are equipped with an internal 60-mm integrating sphere (200-2500 nm range) and an external sphere (200-2500 nm range) linked to the bench by optical fibers bundle. This configuration allow sto analyse large objects placed near the instrument.