The SABeC research group (Spectroscopy applied to Cultural Heritage) is considered a pioneer team in the application of fiberoptic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS) technique, as well as in implementation and use of multi- and hyper-spectral imaging (MSI and HSI) devices tailored for investigation of artworks. The group has developed methodologies and protocols for the non-invasive analysis on several types of artworks, with a special focus on the study of polychrome surfaces and on issues related to their degradation. It has participated in international and national projects, as well as in several international scientific collaborations with academic, research and museum institutions. The SABeC Group also includes a research line devoted to the non-invasive characterization of metal artefacts of historical and artistic interest, by means of Neutron Techniques. International collaborations are therefore involved with the most important Neutron Research Centres (Meyer Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ, DE), Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI, CH), ISIS – Neutron and Muon source (ISIS, UK), Japan Proton Accelerator Research Centre (J-PARC, JP), Institut Laue Langevin (ILL, FR).
Technical skills and competences:
- UV, Vis, IR spectroscopy for materials identification and characterization;
- Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for documentation, diagnostics & material identification;
- Design and customization of optical devices for Cultural Heritage;
- Colour analysis;
- Methods of multivariate analysis for data-processing;
- Museum Lighting, assessment and control and standardisation;
- Portable Digital Microscope Diagnostic Analysis;
- Metallographic Digital Microscopy;
- White Beam Neutron Radiography / Tomography;
- Monochromatic Neutron Radiography / Tomography (Bragg Edge Analysis);
- ND – Neutron Diffraction;
- NAA – Neutron Activation Analysis;
- NRCA – Neutron Resonance Capture Analysis;
- Neutron Data Treatment, Analysis, Interpretation;
- Neutron Experimental Campaign planning;
- Support to the access to Neutron Facilities.
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